Apply for a busking permit

Chatswood Mall - Busking - Joseph Zarb web.jpg

Busking and street performances are an integral part of cultural and artistic expression within the Willoughby local government area. These guidelines aim to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for performers, residents, and visitors. This permit is for students, adult buskers and large bands.

Permits are issued for 12 months for $50 or 3 months for $12.50 from date of payment.

Council may extend public liability coverage to non-professional, students and unincorporated buskers and performers who do not hold an ABN and are not professional performers.
Professional performers will need to supply their own public liability certificate of currency.

Steps to apply

  1. Read the busking guidelines and conditions
  2. Prepare your supporting information:
    • Audio file or video link of your performance.
    • Professionals - Evidence of current public liability insurance with a minimum cover of $10,000,000.
    • Proof of identity – for example, current drivers license or passport.
    • A recent close-up photograph clearly showing your face, passport style.
  3. Complete the application form.
  4. We will contact you via email within two weeks if your application has been successful.
  5. Register an account on Council’s eBooking system (remember your username and password). 
  6. You will receive an invoice via email. Login to your account on Council’s eBooking system and pay for your permit.
  7. Once paid, you will receive the digital permit via email.
  8. Start entertaining!
For large or professional bands that want to reserve a spot in Chatswood Mall or The Concourse, want access to power or busk longer than 2 hours, they must:
  1. Follow the steps to obtain a busking permit.
  2. Book a spot under 'Event space, flyers or promotion' via eBookings.

This reservation is reviewed by the Willoughby City Council events team and approved if available.

For further information contact the Willoughby Council Events Team