Our Customer Service Centre will be closed Wednesday 19 March from 9am to 11am. Please call 02 9777 1000 to reach our out of hours service during this time.
Public and Open Forums will now occur one week prior to General Council Meetings. Registrations to speak at a Public and Open Forum must be lodged two business days prior.
Chatswood Oval is closed for seed establishment and will reopen Tuesday 8 April 2025.
Billy - Mercy Catholic College
Emma - Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School
Isla - Willoughby Girls High School
Jacob - Chatswood High School
Jemimah - Chatswood High School
Mel - Chatswood High School
Morgan - Chatswood High School
Nina - Willoughby Girls High
Noah - St Pius X College
Patrick - St Pius X College
Ruari - Chatswood High School
Sara - Chatswood High School
Scarlett - Mercy Catholic College
Victoria - Willoughby Girls High School