High school photo competition

The life of trees

Thank you to all the local high school students who submitted their photos for 'The Life of Trees' photo competition. After careful consideration Mayor Tanya Taylor and representatives from the Tree Veneration Society selected the two winners;

  • Tavleen – Chatswood High School
  • Ivan – Chatswood High School

Congratulations to these two students who have received their 'Life of Trees' image printed and framed, alongside a $100 JB Hifi voucher to further their creativity.

This high school photo competition was part of the 'Canopy of Life' Tree Festival 2024. A celebration of all the trees within our urban environment.

Photo winners 2024

Featured in image: Nicholas Boogert (Acting Deputy Principal CHS), Ivan Woo, Richard McKeough (Acting Principal CHS), Tavleen Kaur, Nicholas Yu (Council’s Natural Assets Officer)

View a sample of other entries

For all photo competition enquiries and assistance, please contact nicholas.yu@willoughby.nsw.gov.au

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