Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

Willoughby City Council's Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2025(PDF, 4MB) ReadSpeaker outlines Council’s commitment to reconciliation and to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures are respected, acknowledged and celebrated.

The Council's Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2025(PDF, 4MB) ReadSpeaker was developed in consultation with both external and internal stakeholders including community members, multicultural community groups and other community organisations.

The Reconciliation Action Plan framework is based on four core pillars; Relationships, respect, opportunities and governance. The key actions of the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2025(PDF, 4MB) ReadSpeaker will be directed by these pillars, each of which will be accompanied by measurable timelines and achievable outcomes.

For more information please contact Dinaz Rather

Willoughby City Council Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan launch