The 2024/25 Grants for the Community Program provides grants of up to $10,000 to not-for-profit community and sporting organisations, individuals, small businesses, social enterprises and performing arts groups in the Willoughby Local Government Area (LGA) as well as to individual artists residing, working or offering services in the Willoughby LGA.
The Grants for the Community Program is open all year round and applications will be assessed and approved on a quarterly basis. The Grants for the Community Program funding is allocated on an annual basis as part of Council budget process.
The funding pool is renewed on 1 July each year.
You must read the Grants for the Community Guidelines(PDF, 4MB) before submitting an application.
Grant Streams
Applicants need to demonstrate how their project will address one or more priorities of Council’s Community Strategic Plan (CSP), Our Future Willoughby 2032:
- A City that is Green
- A City that is Connected and Inclusive and Resilient
- A City that is Liveable
- A City that is Prosperous and Vibrant
- A City that is Effective and Accountable.
Current funding priorities
Priority funding will be provided to projects that help the community achieve the following:
- Increased resilience to deal with future shocks and stresses
- Enhanced community connectedness
- Access to high quality entertainment and events.
How to apply?
To apply, applicants need to complete an application form using the SmartyGrants online portal.
Please read the Grants for the Community Guidelines before submitting an application.
Assessment Process
All grant applications must be assessed for eligibility, suitability. Following this, a recommendation will be submitted to Council for consideration.
Application deadlines
The table below provides the quarterly due dates for applications to be considered at Council Meetings during 2024/25.
2025 Grant application due dates |
2025 Council meeting dates |
Sunday 2 February |
Monday 24 March |
Sunday 4 May |
Monday 23 June |
Sunday 3 August |
Monday 22 September |
Sunday 2 November |
Monday 15 December |
Please keep in mind that Council cannot fund retrospectively.
Extension Process
To apply for an extension to complete a project, an applicant must submit a request via the SmartyGrants portal. You will be required to outline the reason for the extension, the revised project timeline and any anticipated impacts on project outcomes.
Extension requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Requests for an extension should be made at least 3 months prior to the original completion date.
For all enquiries relating to the Grants for the Community Program, please contact Council's Community Projects Officer: grants@willoughby.nsw.gov.au | 02 9777 7982 | Contact us via MyWilloughby
Please note: this is not the grant application form. Applications for the grant program need to be submitted through the SmartyGrants portal above.
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