At Home with Willoughby

1. Overview

At Home with Willoughby provides social support opportunities to senior residents in Willoughby. Our aim is to promote wellness, independence and social connections amongst older adults. We provide both in-home and community based services, as well as delivering programs and events at the Dougherty Community Centre.

Location and contact

Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street, Chatswood 
 Available 8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays
Phone: (02) 9777 7824

2. Information and referrals

We provide information to residents and carers on Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) services and other organisations available to residents in  the local community including transport, home nursing, podiatry, home care, continence advice, dementia services, gardening, home modification, and respite.

As our services are funded by the Commonwealth Home Support program, you will need to register with My Aged Care prior to using out services on a regular basis.  To contact My Aged Care phone 1800 200 422 or visit  If you have any questions about aged services or would like support accessing My Aged Care please contact the At Home with Willoughby administration team on 9777 7824.

3. Linen service

The Linen Service is available to aged residents within the Willoughby Local Government Area.  This service is also available to residents on NDIS, depending on their individual circumstances. 

Fresh linen is delivered to the home and beds are remade fortnightly by a team of friendly volunteers.

The bedmaking service costs $15.

For further information, please call 9777 7828

4. Shopping bus

The Shopping Bus operates on the first and third Tuesday of every month. The bus collects people from home and takes them to Spring Street in Chatswood. Passengers are later collected and helped to take their groceries in to their homes when needed. Conditions apply.

This service costs $8.70 return.

For further information, please call 9777 7828

5. Outing bus

Outings are organised on the first, third and fourth Wednesdays of the month to various venues around the Sydney Metropolitan area. This is a great opportunity to meet people and make new friends.  Recent outings include a visit to Featherdale Wildlife Park, Wisemans Ferry, The Boathouse Patonga and Cronulla.

Please see our newsletter below to check the current outings:

Summer 2024 edition(PDF, 4MB) ReadSpeaker

This costs $19.50 for transport and morning tea plus the cost of your choice of lunch.

For further information, please call 9777 7826

6. Home delivery groceries

Grocery orders are taken over the phone and processed with the supermarket, which delivers directly to your home.

For further information, please call 9777 7828

7. Companion shopping

Companion Shopping provides a service for clients who need assistance with shopping and bill paying. A volunteer collects clients from home and takes them shopping or to complete other local errands before driving them back home.

This service costs $22.

Limited places available.

For further information, please call 9777 7828

8. Social Circle

Social Circle is a way to relax and make new friends. 

The group meets every Thursday at the Dougherty Community Centre from 1pm - 3pm to enjoy a chat and a film or documentary.  

For further information, please call 9777 7828

9. Out and About

Out and About is an individualised service to take older residents to appointments, to the shops or to visit friends in the Willoughby LGA. Operates 10am -2pm, Tuesday to Friday.

This service costs $7.60 one way.

For further information, please call 9777 7824

10. Wednesday Social Activities Group

Our Wednesday Social Activities Group is a multicultural group which meets weekly to enjoy a range of activities and lunch together. Activities include arts and crafts, gentle exercise, table top games and guest speakers.

Limited transport to and from the group is available.

Location: Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street, Chatswood

Time: 10am - 3pm. 

Cost is $28.50, including morning tea and lunch

For further information, please call 9777 7831 or 9777 7526. Alternatively, email us at 

11. Tax service


ATO Tax Help (August to October)

Appointments with an Australian Tax Office trained community volunteer for low-income earners (around $60,000 or less) will be available from August to October each year.
This free and confidential service will be held at the Dougherty Community Centre to assist people who meet the qualifying criteria to complete their tax returns online using myTax.
Bookings essential by calling 9777 7800


12. Volunteering

At Home with Willoughby has opportunities available for volunteers. Contact At Home with Willoughby to discuss your skills and interests and we will match you with a program.