Our Future Willoughby

Our Future Willoughby 2036(PDF, 3MB) ReadSpeaker is the community’s long-term vision and priorities for the future of the City.

Under the Local Government Act NSW 1993 all NSW councils are required to provide an Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework which includes the development of a ten year Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The CSP captures the vision, aspirations and priorities of the community for the future of the local government area. 

Council has a custodial role in preparing and updating the CSP, to stay in tune with the Willoughby community. While it also has a leading role in addressing the priorities, others such as state agencies, business, not-for-profit bodies and community groups also play a vital role in to deliver the outcomes.

The Our Future Willoughby 2036 identifies the vision for the future of Willoughby City as:  

‘Willoughby’s diversity underpins our liveable and prosperous City’.

This vision is supported by five community outcomes as outlined below and supported by a number of priorities:

  • A City that is green.
  • A City that is connected and inclusive.
  • A City that is liveable.
  • A City that is prosperous and vibrant.
  • A City that is effective and accountable.

To bring this vision to life, we also prepared a ten year Resourcing Strategy, four year Delivery Program and one year Operational Plan. Council regularly reports on its progress against the CSP and these plans.

Looking for an earlier edition?

Available above are the previous four most recent editions of the Willoughby City Strategy. To view earlier editions contact Council on 02 9777 1000 or via email.