Fraud and corruption prevention
Willoughby City Council has a zero-tolerance position to any fraudulent or corrupt behaviour.
Council has a Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy(PDF, 450KB)
and detailed in the Fraud and Corruption Prevention Plan(PDF, 145KB)
which outlines Council's approach to prevent, detect and respond to fraud, corruption or misuse of Council resources and reporting of wrongdoing.
You can provide Information about suspected fraudulent or corrupt conduct by any of the following means:
Information can be treated anonymously upon request.
Members of the public can report fraud and corruption to the General Manager and Public Officer.
Council respects any decision to disclose alleged wrongdoing through the following external reporting avenues:
- NSW Ombudsman if it’s about maladministration
- ICAC if it’s about corrupt conduct
- Audit Office if it’s about serious and substantial waste of public money
- Office of Local Government if it’s about pecuniary interest contraventions or the general administrative conduct of councils, councillors and council staff.
What you can expect from us
Everyone at Willoughby City Council is committed to ensuring public monies are spent for their intended purposes, information is secured and assets and resources are used appropriately to reduce Council's exposure to fraud and corruption.
We require all suppliers, applicants, consultants, contractors, and anyone 'doing business with Council' to observe the principles and requirements outlined in the Statement of Business Ethics and abide by it in all of your dealings with us.
If you need more information about these guidelines or you wish to report an issue, please contact Council's Public Officer (Governance, Risk and Compliance Manager 9777 1000).
Image: Hugh Phemister, General Manager
Council's Code of Conduct 2020
The Willoughby City Council Code of Conduct 2019 (the Code) was endorsed by Council in June 2019 after consultation was conducted with the community and councillors. The Code incorporates the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct 2018 and is supplemented by provisions which were included in response to this process.
In August 2020, the Office of Local Government (OLG) advised via 20-32 Amendments to the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW and Procedures Circular that the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW 2020 (the Procedures) had been amended in response to a decision of the Supreme Court. In addition, amendments had been made to the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW (the Model Code of Conduct). The new Procedures and Model Code of Conduct had been prescribed under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and were to take effect immediately and Council was therefore required to adopt a code of conduct and procedures based on the prescribed Procedures and Model Code of Conduct.
At the 14 September Council meeting, Council adopted a new Code of Conduct 2020 and Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW 2020.Council reaffirmed the Code of Conduct 2020 at its meeting on 28 November 2022.
For more information, please review Council’s Code of Conduct.