Public and Open Forums will now occur one week prior to General Council Meetings. Registrations to speak at a Public and Open Forum must be lodged two business days prior.
The Community Recycling Centre is temporarily unable to accept paint, oils, light globes, gas cylinders, aerosols, household and embedded batteries due to a fire at the processing facility.
In This Section
As recommended in the Mayoral Minute 06/2021 – Infrastructure Contributions Reform; “…Writes to the:
a. Premier, The Hon Gladys Berejiklian
b. Treasurer, The Hon Dominic Perrottet
c. Minister for Planning and Open Space, The Hon Robert Stokes
d. Minister for Local Government, The Hon Shelley Hancock
e. Opposition Leader Mr Chris Minns and
f. local Members of Parliament The Hon. Gladys Beregjiklian MP (Member for Willoughby), The Hon. Jonathon O’Dea MP (Member for Davidson) and The Hon. Anthony Roberts MP (Member for Lane Cove)
to advocate for additional modelling, consultation and a mechanism to ensure that contributions are paid in a timely way and that no council is worse of under the proposed reforms.
Included in the Mayoral Minute under Discussion: "Letters were also sent to the Premier The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP, Minister for Transport The Hon. Andrew Constance MP, The Hon. Jonathan O’Dea MP and The Hon. Anthony Roberts MP highlighting our concerns regarding the project"