Council will have reduced services on Friday 14 March 2025. Our Customer Service Centre will continue to operate as normal.
Public and Open Forums will now occur one week prior to General Council Meetings. Registrations to speak at a Public and Open Forum must be lodged two business days prior.
Last modified on 17 December 2020
Transport for NSW says the Beaches Link and Gore Hill Freeway Connection project will reduce travel times from the Northern Beaches by providing direct connections to the Warringah Freeway and North Sydney, the Inner West via the Western Harbour Tunnel and St Leonards and Macquarie Park via the Gore Hill Freeway Connection.
The Environmental Impact Statement for the project is now open for your comments.
This project may affect many residents of Willoughby City Council. Find out how you will be impacted by reading the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), viewing the interactive map and watching the video.
You can also register to attend a virtual information session at 4pm on Tuesday 19 January.
We encourage you to make a submission on the EIS to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment by 1 March 2021 in writing or through their portal.