Bicentennial Reserve Environmental Site Report

Last modified on 10 February 2022

Bicentennial Reserve

Updated 6 February 2023

Council have now completed further (intrusive and desk top) investigations and have identified that there is a sufficient capping layer at the site and the risks to sites users are low. Investigations determined that it is unlikely that contamination is migrating off site.

The additional investigation results have been provided to the NSW EPA for review and comment. The NSW EPA has indicated that they are in general agreement with the assessment, and have requested some additional information.

The next steps: Council will prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to ensure ongoing safety of both site users and workers. The EMP will include appropriate monitoring of the site and surrounding environments.

Localised investigation for asbestos completed. No asbestos found at the surface of the park and overall risk to users is considered low

The initial Environmental Site Investigation Report for Bicentennial Reserve(PDF, 134MB) ReadSpeaker is available here.


Q1. How and when did Council become aware of possible contamination of groundwater exceeding guideline levels at Bicentennial Reserve?

A1. Council became aware after it commenced its review of the Beaches Link and Gore Hill Freeway Connection Environmental Impact Statement (Beaches Link EIS) in December, 2020 and subsequently initiated an investigation of the site history.


Q2. What did Council do next after it became aware of possible contamination of groundwater exceeding guideline levels at Bicentennial Reserve?

A2. Council self-reported by notifying the NSW EPA in writing regarding the possible contamination in early 2021.


Q3. What did the NSW EPA advise Council to do in order to better understand the possible contamination issues at Bicentennial Reserve?

A3. The NSW EPA requested Council provide the following information:

  • Provide a figure showing the extent of the site boundary;
  • Provide a discussion on the list of potential contaminants at the site based on the historical uses of the site;
  • Undertake soil investigations across the site to determine current contamination levels in soil;
  • Undertake groundwater investigations to determine current contamination levels in groundwater;
  • Assess the site geology and hydrogeology (including but not limited to groundwater flow direction, seepage velocity, total dissolved solids, and any registered groundwater bores within a 500m radius of the site);
  • Develop and provide a graphical representation of a conceptual site model showing any potentially complete exposure pathways; and
  • Determine the nature and extent of contamination.


Q4. How did Council respond to the NSW EPA’s request?

A4. Council commissioned an independent consultant to undertake geotechnical and environmental investigation works of the former landfill/incinerator and nightsoil repository site located at Bicentennial Reserve.


Q5. When did Council receive the Environmental Site Investigation about the former landfill/incinerator and nightsoil repository site located at Bicentennial Reserve and what did Council do next?

A5. Council received a draft Environmental Site Investigation on 14 December 2021, and updated the Environmental Site Investigation on 11 January, 2022. Council provided the Environmental Site Investigation to the NSW EPA for their consideration and review.


Q6. What information did the Environmental Site Investigation contain?

A6. The Environmental Site Investigation is now publicly available on Council’s website, which addresses the NSW EPA’s questions, with a summary response pages 4 to 7 of the Report:


Q7. What feedback did Council receive from the NSW EPA to the Environmental Site Investigation?

A7. Following a period of review by technical experts at the NSW EPA, the NSW EPA recommended the following investigations be undertaken:

  • Investigate playing field soil (top 600mm of soil)
  • Results due July 2022
  • Surface water monitoring – up and down stream of Bicentennial Reserve
  • Results due October 2022
  • Gas Monitoring of SE Boundary of former landfill
  • Results due October 2022.


Q8. What does this mean, and what are the next steps?

A8. The Report is the first step in a process to manage contamination identified at the site. In addition to safeguarding the health of the public and the environment, Council is strongly committed to ensuring transparency around this matter.

Council will deliver to the NSW EPA results from further investigations, as they become available, for review and guidance on what actions should be taken next.

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