Public and Open Forums will now occur one week prior to General Council Meetings. Registrations to speak at a Public and Open Forum must be lodged two business days prior.
The Community Recycling Centre is temporarily unable to accept paint, oils, light globes, gas cylinders, aerosols, household and embedded batteries due to a fire at the processing facility.
Last modified on 05 June 2024
Willoughby City Council has approved changes to the way complaints over development non-compliance are handled in future. Until now, Council has forwarded complaints relating to complying development certificates (CDCs) or development consents (DCs) to the principal certifier overseeing the development, which in many cases is a private certifier. It has then been the principal certifier’s responsibility to investigate the complaint and issue redress if necessary.
Following a resolution by Councillors at May’s Ordinary Meeting, Willoughby City Council will now investigate complaints in the first instance, instead of forwarding the complaint to the certifier.
This change has been made to better serve the needs of our community.
For further information please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.