Council meetings now live streamed

Last modified on 08 February 2018

Keep in touch with council meetings from anywhere in the world with our new live streaming service.

Starting February 12, 2018 council meetings will be broadcast live online, with the recordings available for download for two years after the meeting.

Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney said it will encourage further engagement with residents and improve accessibility for people who cannot attend the meetings.

“We want to encourage the community to become more involved with council meetings and decisions and let people know they’re welcome to attend in person or watch online,” Mayor Giles-Gidney said.

“It demonstrates council’s open and transparent approach and continued commitment to community engagement and input into council decisions,” she said.

Council meetings are held twice a month in the Council Chamber at Victor Street, Chatswood from 7pm. Agendas are available from 5pm on the Tuesday before the meeting. Minutes will be made available from 5pm on the Thursday after the meeting.

Watch the first live video stream from 7pm on February 12 here: