Draft Resilient Willoughby Strategy endorsed for public exhibition
Last modified on 18 June 2021
Helping minimise the impacts of acute shocks and chronic stresses in our community was outlined in a plan endorsed for public exhibition, at Tuesday night’s Council meeting.
The draft Resilient Willoughby Strategy and Action Plan outlines actions designed to help minimise impacts from acute events such as chronic smoke pollution, storm events, heatwaves, drought and pandemic.
The Plan was informed by an analysis of risks to the community, Council assets and services. It also draws on social research with a survey of over 600 residents conducted by Council in November 2020.
Willoughby City Council has responded to these challenges in a number of ways. This included the collaboration with Resilient Sydney, a group of metropolitan councils, state agencies, business and community groups.
Resilient Sydney was formed in 2015, joining the 100 Resilient Cities Program – supporting efforts by cities around the world to build community resilience in the face of the economic, environmental and social challenges of the 21st Century.
The Plan will be reviewed annually to take account of progress made and any changes in community concerns and needs. It will be on public exhibition in June/July.
More information on willoughby.nsw.gov.au/Community/Community-health-and-safety/Resilient-Willoughby