Mayor's video update August 2024

Last modified on 15 August 2024

Mayors Update August Intro_.png

Mayor Tanya Taylor shares updates from the August 2024 Council meeting. Key items include the decision to address concerns about recent bus schedule changes, endorsement of the Cycling Strategy and Action Plan 2034 for public exhibition and plans to delegate authority to Willoughby City Council General Manager Hugh Phemister, during the caretaker period as the Local Government elections approach. An overview of Council's strong progress in project delivery as outlined in the Delivery Program 2022-26, with 87% of projects on track or completed and confirmation that the first year of the Customer Experience Strategy has been successfully implemented. Mayor Tanya Taylor acknowledges and thanks Brendon Zhu’s contributions to Council, as he steps down after serving two terms. Plus Willoughby's much-loved Emerge Festival will be launching on the 1st of September.


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