The Community Recycling Centre is temporarily unable to accept paint, oils, light globes, gas cylinders, aerosols, household and embedded batteries due to a fire at the processing facility.
Last modified on 31 July 2020
The highly anticipated Willoughby Park playground opened July 23 and in the first few days hundreds of children flocked to try out the new equipment. Costing around $500,000, the upgraded playground includes three slides, an elevated tower with rope bridge, in-ground trampolines, basket swing and marble run. Designed to improve access for children of all ages and abilities, it features a tunnel running under a mound with a wide slippery slide and a climbing net and carousel for older children. There’s also a fully fenced area alongside picnic tables and barbeques. The area has been freshly landscaped. It’s set under beautiful gum trees alongside Willoughby Park Centre and the oval. It was the largest playground overhaul for Willoughby City Council last financial year.