From 21 December 2024 to 3 January 2025
Pursuant to s.4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the regulations, Council notifies the granting of the following development consents and complying development certificates which can be viewed on Council’s application tracking system.
1A Burra Road, Artarmon
Modification of DA-2021/5 for alterations to the approved building materials, including changes to the external floor finishes and changes to the levels of the accessible drop off zone and car space.
39 The Scarp, Castlecrag
Construction of a new dwelling house, secondary dwelling, workshop, tree removal, detached carport, car crossing landscaping and associated works.
658 Pacific Highway, Chatswood
Erection of 5 identification signs, operation and use of Tenancy 1 with hours of Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5pm, Sunday 10am to 5pm.
54 Anderson Street, Chatswood
The application is identified as nominated integrated development requiring approval from Water NSW pursuant to s90 Water Management Act 2000 - SNPP - Consolidation of site, demolition of existing structures, construction of 26 storey shop top housing dev.
446 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood
Alterations and additions to existing RSL premises to include new front façade, replacement of windows, signage, cladding, metal screens and louvres, awning and associated works.
753 Pacific Highway, Chatswood
Modify existing consent to reuse of approved plant area for internal habitable space including increase of communal room and apartment 9.01 to become 3 bedroom apartment and associated works.