Determined development applications

On display until 17 February 2030, 12:00 AM

From 1 to 14 February 2025

Pursuant to s.4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the regulations, Council notifies the granting of the following development consents and complying development certificates which can be viewed on Council’s application tracking system.

345 Victoria Avenue Chatswood

Removal of some existing signage and installation and erection of business/building identification and wayfinding signage on various facades of the Chatswood Chase building and associated works.

40 Lower Cliff Avenue Northbridge       

Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new dwelling house, double garage, swimming pool, landscaping and associated works.

20B Deepwater Road Castle Cove

Torrens Title Subdivision of existing dual occupancy.

499 Mowbray Road West Lane Cove North

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling to include internal layout changes, rear addition with alfresco area, and partial demolition of existing garage to convert to vertical garden, landscaping and associated works.

29 Northcote Street Naremburn

Alterations and ground floor rear addition to dwelling, replacement of existing carport, landscaping, tree removal, rear terrace and associated works.

11 Tessa Street Chatswood

Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling, including construction of a carport, associated driveway, rear demolition and extension, internal reconfiguration, landscaping, tree removals, detached pergola and associated works.

78 Artarmon Road Artarmon

Demolition of existing rear extension and construction of new rear extension and associated works.

9 Tryon Street Chatswood

Alterations and additions to dwelling, double garage and associated works.

6 Kameruka Road Northbridge

Alterations and additions including first floor addition, landscaping, decking with awning, external stairs and associated works.

17 Smith Street Chatswood

Modifications involves changes to carparking and service areas located on Carpark level B3.

16 Mooney Street Lane Cove North      

Minor modifications to existing approval.

5 Hector Road Willoughby

Alterations and additions to the existing semi-detached dwelling, including rear extension, first floor addition, landscaping and associated works.

753 Pacific Highway Chatswood

Building Stratum Subdivision into 3 lots.