A Development Application has been lodged for Integrated Development: (Sect. 4.47 of Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979)
Application No: DA-2024/131
Address: 126 Greville Street & 23-25 Millwood Avenue CHATSWOOD WEST NSW 2067. (Lot 1 DP 532353 / Lot 138 DP 14799 / Lot 1 DP 408490 / Lot 137 DP 14799)
Proposal: Nominated Integrated Development - Water Management Act 2000 s91(2) – Department of Planning and Environment – Water New covered barbeque area, children’s playground, landscaping and associated works. This notification letter also serves to notify that the application constitutes nominated integrated development pursuant to Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Schedule 1 8A and Water Management Act 2000 s91(2).
Applicant: Church of Scientology Australia
Consent Authority: Willoughby City Council
Approval Body: Department of Planning and Environment – Water
Closing Date for Comments: 26 March 2025
The detailed plans, and other documentation for the proposal can be viewed:
If you have difficulty or are unable to access the internet, then please contact Customer Service Centre on 9777 1000 to discuss an alternative arrangement regarding the documentation.
The application is available for viewing until the above closing date. If you would like to make a comment on the proposal, it must be made in writing and must be received at Council by the above closing date.