Public notice - Proposal to grant a lease - Kooroora Park

On display until 01 July 2029, 12:00 AM

In accordance with sections 46, 46A and 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Council proposes to grant a lease for use of community land known as Kooroora Park (being whole Lot 52 in DP 1032082 at 5A William Street, Roseville).

The details of the proposed lease are:

Land subject of proposed lease: The area known as ‘Kooroora Park' is outlined in red on the attached Figure A, including the tennis courts and associated buildings currently leased by Kooroora Tennis Club Inc.

Purpose of proposed lease: To permit the operation and management of the tennis courts and associated activities so as to continue the use of the tennis courts for the playing of tennis.

Proposed lessee: To be decided by invitation to tender.

Term of the proposed lease: 10 years.

Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, Willoughby City Council has the authority to lease or licence community land.

Written submissions concerning this proposal may be made to Willoughby City Council up to 5pm on 29 July 2024. 

You can make a submission to the General Manager by posting a submission to PO Box 57 Chatswood 2057 or by emailing a submission to 

If you have any questions, please contact Bronwyn Johnston, Property Lease Administrator at Willoughby City Council at

Figure A - Kooroora Park, 5A William Street, Roseville.