Received development applications

On display until 17 March 2030, 12:00 AM

From 8 to 14 March 2025

Received Development Applications

Council received the following applications during the period mentioned above. These applications can be viewed online on Council’s Application Tracking system.

60 Neerim Road Castle Cove

New cabana with outdoor kitchen, pool coping, repair existing timber deck and associated works.

81 Dickson Avenue Artarmon

Addition of 3 building identification signs (1 large illuminated and 2 non-illuminated entry and exit signs) and associated works.

196 Hampden Road Artarmon

Proposed extension to construction hours of works on a Saturday from previously approved 12pm to a proposed end time of 5pm.

258 Edinburgh Road Castlecrag

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling to include replacement and upgrade of double carport, internal layout changes, rear ground floor extension, landscaping and associated works.

2 Widgiewa Road Northbridge

Amendments to original approval to include shifting the dwelling 650mm north, internal layout changes, new roof shape, landscaping changes, external façade updates and associated. works.

16 The Barbette Castlecrag

Modify original proposal to include changes to basement floor level and internal layout, stairs, roof, addition of retaining walls and associated works.