From 15 to 21 February 2025
Received Development Applications
Council received the following applications during the period mentioned above. These applications can be viewed online on Council’s Application Tracking system.
45 Noonbinna Crescent Northbridge
Alterations and first floor addition to existing dwelling to include internal changes, swimming pool, landscaping and associated works.
49 Findlay Avenue Roseville
Demolition of existing garage, construction of a new double garage with included gym area and storage space, tree removal, landscaping and associated works.
3 Station Street Naremburn
New single concrete hardstand, covered carport with attached bin enclosure and storage, demolition and construction of retaining walls, dwelling front wall and window, tree removal, landscaping, sliding gate and pedestrian gate and associated works.
46 Barcoo Street Roseville
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of an attached dual occupancy with internal lift, car parking, driveway, subdivision and associated works.
87 Laurel Street North Willoughby
Alterations and additions to dwelling to include conversion of existing garage to studio, new veranda and pergola, new side entry with roof cover, new carparking space, landscaping and associated works.
11 Lamette Street Chatswood
Modify original proposal to include changes to external materials from brick to lightweight cladding at the rear of the dwelling, terracotta roof to a metal roof and associated works.
18 Hercules Street Chatswood
Alterations and first floor addition to existing dwelling, internal layout changes, windows and associated works.
20 Hercules Street Chatswood
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a two storey dwelling, garage, swimming pool, landscaping and associated works.
13 Claude Street Chatswood
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new two storey dwelling with garage, landscaping and associated works.
19 Kendall Road Casle Cove
Internal reconfiguration to create 2 bathrooms and the addition of 1.5m high above ground rain water tanks to the front yard and associated works.
5A Gibbes Street Chatswood
Fit out of existing premises to a vehicle body repair workshop and associated works, operating Monday to Friday 7am-4pm, Saturday 8am-1pm.
15 Eric Road Artarmon
Modify original proposal to include changes to conditions 19(b), 104(c) and 3(a) relating to the driveway and storm water plans.