Tenders and contracts

Open tenders

Projects seeking tenders, expressions of interest and quotations will be listed at portal.tenderlink.com/nsroc.

View open tenders

Please note: Tenderlink cannot be accessed via Internet Explorer, as it is not a supported browser. Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox are fully supported browsers allowing access to the site.

Please read each project description carefully for instructions and cut-off dates.


Road resurfacing, patching and associated works: RFT Asphalt-2027

NSROC is seeking tenders from qualified and experienced companies for the road surfacing, patching and associated works tender for period from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027. This tender is issued on behalf of all member councils.

Tender documents must be obtained after registration from the Tenderlink website once registration is complete. Registration for and access to RFT documents should be made to Alok Ralhan on aralhan@lanecove.nsw.gov.au or 0412 800 815.

The closing date and time for submissions is 2:00pm EST on Friday 14 February 2025.

Closed tenders

Contracts awarded (Class 1 and 2)

Contracts register as per Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009:

Contracts awarded (Class 3)

Information within the class 3 contracts may have been redacted under the GIPA legislation based upon it being commercial-in-confidence provisions of a contract or a matter related to public safety and security.

Contract C100090 – Management of the Willis Recreation and Sports Centre and Cleland Park Tennis Courts

Contract C100256 – Waste Alliance Processing and Disposal

Contract C100280 – Waste, Recyclables, Organics and Bulky Waste Collection Services