Construction Certificate (CC)
After a development application is approved, a Construction Certificate (CC) is required from Council Certifier or a private Certifier to ensure compliance with the consent conditions and National Construction Code - NCC (previously known as: Building Code of Australia - BCA).
A CC can be issued by Council or a private Certifier. If issued by a private Certifier, the Certifier will forward a copy of the plans and certificate to Council.
Alternatively, you can apply for a CC with Council via the ePlanning Portal.
Before work commences, a Principal Certifier (Council or private) must be appointed to carry out mandatory inspections, with the primary aim to obtain an Occupation Certificate upon completion of the work.
Apply for a new or amend a CC
Frequently Asked Questions
Upon submission of a development application, Council will offer to supply a fee proposal outlining the costs for using Council as an Accredited Certifier and/or Principal Certifying Authority.
You may find that all information you need is not available at the time you apply, e,g. structural, mechanical or hydraulic designs may not yet be finalised.
When the detail is not available, you can state in the specification your intent to comply with requirements by identifying the specific clauses in the BCA and Australian standards, codes or other documents, with a brief description of the how you propose to comply with each.
Clause 79IA of the EP&A Regulation permits the person who has applied for a construction certificate to apply for it to be modified, or for a new construction certificate to be issued. The application and assessment process is the same as for the original application. Consent does not need to be modified, providing the plans are consistent with the development consent.
A fire safety schedule is a list specifying the fire safety measures (both current and proposed) that should be implemented in the building premises. It is issued with construction certificates, complying development certificates, fire safety orders and development
consents for a change of building use where no building work is proposed. It relates to commercial, industrial and multi unit development.
The Principal Certifier (PC) is required to do inspections as footings, slab steel, waterproofing of wet areas, external balconies and planter boxes, framing, stormwater drainage, pool fencing, fire safety measures, hydraulic connections, and a final inspection. Other certification from suitably qualified persons such as structural engineers, fire safety consultants, hydraulic engineers, mechanical engineers, electricians, surveyors, bush fire consultants and other building professionals may also be requested. Council building certifiers will provide an electronic report following each inspection. Failing to have a mandatory inspection carried out will result in the PC not being able to issue the required occupation certificate at the completion of work. For inspection bookings please contact us.
If you paid a footpath damage deposit, Council will arrange to have the deposit refunded provided there is no damage to Council's infrastructure and all work has been completed.