Nominate “Willoughby City Council” as the Accredited Certifier.
Create a new electronic application and fill in the application details by following the prompts online.
For help, use this quick reference guide from the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment website.
Once you have entered most of the application details, you will be prompted to upload documents.
Please follow Council’s Electronic Application Requirements for guidance on how to prepare your digital files, particularly to ensure you name your files within 100 characters, save them in PDF format and limit the size of your files to 300MB.
Please note carefully the declaration statements you check in the checkboxes before submitting your application.
Once submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement email regarding your submitted application.
Important note: your “submitted” application via the Portal is NOT considered "formally lodged" until Council advises in writing via post/email or “accepts” it via the Portal and upon payment of application fees.
Council will review your application and assesses whether or not your application is acceptable.
You will be advised in writing via the email to provide additional information or to pay the relevant application fees as required.
If your application is deemed:
- inadequate, you may be requested for Additional Information in a letter sent via an automatically generated email from the Portal; or
- adequate, you will be advised by a formal “Fee Request Letter” sent directly via Council’s email.
When your application is deemed adequate, pay your required fees as advised by the “Fee Request Letter” via the methods specified on the letter.
These fees may include:
Your application will then be considered “lodged” and registered onto Council’s computer system
The lodged application will be allocated to a Certification Officer who will carry out an inspection, and may request more information.
The preliminary assessment (including a site inspection) by the Certification Officer is generally made within a week after lodgement.
Where all related conditions of consent prior to the issue of CC have been satisfied and the application deemed compliant with National Construction Code - NCC (AKA: Building Code of Australia - BCA), a Notice of Determination will be issued.
Note: satisfying conditions of consent may include the payment of (where applicable):
Once your CC has been issued, you will have to further appoint a Certifier (Council or Private) as the PC to inspect the works.
As a courtesy and part of your Notice of Determination package, Council attaches a draft PC Appointment & Service Agreement and Fee Proposal which includes:
To appoint Council as the PC, visit the ePlanning Portal and nominate “Willoughby City Council” as the PC
Note: remember to upload your signed PC Appointment & Service Agreement and other documents as required by the checklist(PDF, 164KB)
as part of your documentation.
Before starting works, ensure:
- works comply with Home Building Act requirements;
- you display PC appointment signage, safety barriers, erosion control etc.
Carry out the works as required, ensuring mandatory inspections are carried out by the Certifier.
Obtain an Occupation Certificate before you occupy the new part or whole of the building works. Council will commence to refund of any damage deposits (if applicable).