What happens after I lodge my DA?

Most DAs follow similar steps during processing, so this guide applies to the majority of applications. Please note that these steps do not necessarily occur one after the other and usually overlap.

  1. The application is lodged and registered onto the computer system at Council’s Customer Service Centre if all documentation is considered adequate and complete.
  2. The application file is assembled and computer file created. A notification schedule is prepared, a yellow DA Notification sign is placed on site and the DA is included on the notification listing in the newspaper.
  3. The lodged documentation is checked by the Development Assessment Review Committee at their regular meeting. They may request more information, refer the DA to other officers and allocate a DA Assessment Officer. Each officer may have 20 to 30 applications at any one time. Details on which officer has been allocated your DA can be viewed in the DA Online enquiry in Councils website.
  4. The notification period of either 14 or 21 days begins. A preliminary assessment by the Assessment Officer, including a site inspection, is generally made within two to three weeks of lodgment. The applicant is advised of any issues and may be requested to consider amendments. (Please note, there is an extended notification period over the Christmas / New Year period.) If more information about your DA is needed you will be notified in writing and the assessment process is delayed until the additional information is received. This is known as “Stop the clock”.
  5. Those who are being notified receive a letter. Full supporting material is available for inspection at Council’s Customer Service Centre or on this website under development application tracking
  6. The notified person decides whether or not to make a written submission. 
  7. The notification period closes and the Assessment Officer collects the advice of other officers, any submissions received and any extra information from the applicant. If  changes to the DA must be re-notified, then step 5 repeats.
    The Officer decides to either process the DA or to refer the application to the Willoughby Local Planning Panel. Officers have authority from Council to determine applications except when:
  8. The status of an application can be checked on Council’s website Application Tracking or contacting the Assessment Officer.
  9. The Assessment Officer discusses the proposal with the applicant to resolve any outstanding issues. They may request to visit the property to better understand a problem. The Officer may propose Conditions of Consent that require amendments to the proposal to address issues that the Officer feels must be dealt with before the proposal is approved (see Height Poles Policy(PDF, 186KB) ).
  10. The Assessment Officer finalises their assessment and prepares either a Delegated DA Report or a report to Willoughby Local Planning Panel (WLPP) or Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP) - depending on the relevant determining authority based on legislative criteria. Reports will detail submissions received and any draft conditions of consent or reasons for refusal.

    Council will not contact individual correspondents to advise them when an application is to be determined. However, Council will inform via email to applicants and correspondents when the DA is for WLPP determination. WLPP meets on the last Tuesday of every month at 2pm. You can find out which applications are being considered at the next Panel meeting by ringing 9777 7675 after 12 noon the day before the meeting. A copy of the reports that go to WLPP meetings can be accessed the Tuesday before the meeting date.
  11. Delegated Decision: The Assessment Officer determines the application under delegated authority and issues a Notice of Determination to the applicant.

    WLPP Decision: The WLPP determines the application at the WLPP Meeting. Applicants can address the WLPP,

    A Notice of Determination is sent to the applicant. Your development consent is an important document and should be retained by you as the property owner.
  12. Correspondents are advised of the decision.
  13. The applicant can request a Review of the Determination (under section 8.2 of EPA Act), or apply for an amendment to the development consent under Section 4.55 of EPA Act 1979. A similar process to the DA process occurs for modification to a consent. The applicant can also appeal the decision to the Land and Environment Court. Correspondents have no general right of appeal.
  14. If the development consent is granted, the applicant applies to Council or a Certifier for a Construction Certificate in order to begin building.

Please note: If an application hasn’t been determined within 40 days of lodging, the applicant has the right of appeal to the Land and Environment Court. You are entitled to view the file under Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.