Short-term rental accommodation (STRA)

Short-term rental accommodation (STRA), which includes holiday lets such as Airbnb properties, is growing in popularity all over the world. Willoughby Council is no exception. Issues have been raised in the community regarding the proliferation of such rentals and the range of problems that can arise in their operation.

STRA has been the focus of State Government reform in recent years with the outcome that it is now administered by Fair Trading NSW though a registration system coupled with the application of planning rules under the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP administered by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).

Short term rental accommodation (DPE)

An important element of the new system is the code of conduct – which is mandatory and applies to all STRA industry participants, including online accommodation platforms, letting agents, hosts and guests. Hosts are required to comply with this code of conduct which was developed by the Department of Customer Service. The code of conduct:

  • sets out the rights and obligations of STRA participants
  • provides for resolution of disputes and complaints concerning the conduct of STRA industry participants
  • outlines the compliance and enforcement approach that applies for contraventions of the code
  • facilitates the oversight of the STRA industry.

For further details about the operating restrictions for STRA and the code of conduct, and to read it in its entirety, visit the NSW Fair Trading website.