Our Net Zero Community

Climate change is affecting our lives. To avoid the worst effects we must all act now. 

As well as cutting greenhouse gas emissions from our operations, Council is supporting our community to reduce emissions to net zero by the 2040s – this means reducing emissions as far as possible, and then offsetting any remaining emissions.

Reaching our targets, and creating a cleaner, healthier and more resilient city is possible through the combined efforts of council, community groups, and businesses, and through the actions of individuals.

What can I do?

Individuals can play an important role. You can cut your carbon footprint and advocate for change. In Australia, 20% of our carbon footprint comes from household emissions.

The average Australian household (2.6 people) has an annual carbon footprint of approximately 15-20 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent). The United Nations states that to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, we must limit our per-person emissions to 2 tonnes CO2e per year.

To get started, calculate your carbon footprint with this tool from Carbon Positive Australia to see how you or your household compares to the Australian average. Discover the major sources of your emissions and decide which actions you want to take.

The top 6 impactful actions you can take to cut emissions

Climate Action Infographic

Based on The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World research which shows that lifestyle changes by individuals can cut global emissions by between 25% and 27%.

Our Live Well in Willoughby workshops and events can provide you with more information on what you can do to care for the environment. Sign up to our Live Well e-newsletter for event information and local news.

You can also encourage your place of work to become a sustainable business.

Find more information:

  • Fight for Planet A: The ABC tv series shows us how we can make a difference to help protect the world for future generations
  • The Climate Council lists ways to get involved and take action on climate issues and provides guides to talking with friends about climate change.