Pest Species
Black rats, mice, common (indian) myna and other introduced species can be pests in public areas and around the home.
Council undertakes pest management in public spaces through regular management of waste bins that may attract these species and by using specific rodenticides identified as having the lowest risk for secondary poisoning in wildlife where necessary.
Report Pest Issues
At home the most effective strategy also involves exclusion. Prevent pests like black rats and common mynas from accessing food sources by removing food or pet poo lying around in the open. To exclude rats and mice in the garden use metal mesh under compost bins and vegetable beds or use full exclusion cages over garden beds. ‘Floppy fences’ used to exclude possums from garden beds may work on a rigid mesh fence base. Rigid metal mesh with 6.5mm x 6.5mm aperture excludes mice and rats and is also wildlife safe.
Poisons can inadvertently harm non target animals including pets, wildlife and people so avoid if possible. Advice on ‘wildlife safe rodenticide’ and methods of exclusion can be found online or from Birdlife(PDF, 1MB)
and WIRES or pest controllers.