
A weed is any plant that is growing where it is not wanted. It can be a foreign plant, or an Australian plant that has been introduced to areas outside its natural range. All weeds can threaten Willoughby’s bushland areas.

Under the Biosecurity Act 2015, Willoughby Council as the Local Control Authority has a legal obligation to manage the biosecurity risk posed or likely to be posed to human health, the economy, community and environment by Priority Weeds.

Visit the NSW Department of Primary Industry website for details of the most common weeds that are prevalent in Willoughby Council and how best to manage and reduce the spread of such weeds.

How to reduce the spread of weeds

  • Council's Bushcare Supervisor can give you free advice on removal techniques for your weed situation.
  • Council also runs Training Workshops for people interested in becoming a Bushcare volunteer. Working with other volunteers and trainers is a great way to gain experience and knowledge that you can use at home