Save energy in your home

The most important thing you can do in terms of energy use is to reduce the amount you use. This will save you money as well as reducing your greenhouse gas emissions.

Average energy usage for homes without pools:

Energy bar chart

Heating 40%, hot water 23%, home appliances 14%, fridges and freezers 10%, lighting 8% and cooking 5%.
Source: Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage & the Arts.

Ways to reduce your energy costs:

  1. Know how much you use. Read your energy bills and understand where to find your usage, costs and how they compare to similar households.
  2. Buy energy efficient appliances. Energy efficient appliances may cost more to buy but they save money in the long run as they cost less to run. When you buy a new appliance, use the energy rating label to compare models and choose one that suits your needs, saves energy and saves money.
  3. Electrify your home. You can save money through efficiency upgrades and electrification. Consider switching to reverse cycle air conditioning, a heat pump hot water system, an induction cook top, and other household energy efficiency products, as well as adding insulation.
  4. Have you considered a solar PV system? Council offers a Solar Bulk Buy program so residents can buy quality products at a special Willoughby City Council price.

Energy Wise videos on energy efficiency

Let’s have a closer look at your energy bill in this video:

The key to a comfortable home is efficient heating and cooling. Let’s find out how to stay cool in summer and warm in winter the smart way in this video:

Paying for nothing while your appliances are sitting idle? Let’s have a closer look at standby power in this video:

Let’s have a closer look at insulation and sealing in this video:

Let’s have a closer look at how much power your hot water system uses and how to reduce it in this video: