Building sites Damage to trees Noisy works Not building to approval Sediment control Work out of hours Other
Community Art Space enquiry Dougherty Centre services enquiry Library services enquiry Sporting fields enquiry Community facility and venue enquiry Events enquiry Filming enquiry Community grants and programs enquiry
Drains and stormwater Drain damage Drain pit lids and grate maintenance issue Flooding or blocked drains
General General enquiry Change of customer details Compensation enquiry Provide feedback or a compliment Provide a complaint Attend or address a Council meeting
Health and community safety Animal noise or barking dog Dog attack Lost, found or roaming animal Animal issue - other Food poisoning Unhealthy food business Health and community safety issue
Inspections Building or swimming pool inspection Food premises or personal appearance fit-out inspection Site inspection
Parking My parking permit eligibility enquiry Replacement parking permit Update parking permit details Parking meter issue Illegal parking
Parks and sporting fields Lighting issue Mowing, fields and gardens issue Structure and amenities issue
Planning and development Duty planner enquiry Damage deposit refund Pay quoted application fees Flood model Surrender a development consent Withdraw a development application Speak at or attend a WLPP meeting
Public cleaning Dead animal for removal Public bin issue Street or public space cleanliness issue Street sweeping service
Roads, streets and footpaths Footpath maintenance issue Kerb and gutter maintenance issue Nature strip or laneway hard surface issue Pothole or road pavement issue Road sign maintenance issue Street furniture maintenance issue Street light issue Traffic control device maintenance issue Road obstruction or spills New footpath Footpath replacement New road signage
Unattended vehicles and items Motor vehicles, trailers and caravans Shopping trolleys, bikes and personal items
Unauthorised activities Illegal tree removal or pruning Pollution - water, air or noise Unauthorised advertising sign on public land Unauthorised building works Unauthorised business activities
Unhealthy and unsafe property Fire safety issue Overgrown property Overhanging trees from private property Asbestos Unsafe and dilapidated building or structure Damaging surface water from a private property Sewage leaks and overflow Hoarding and accumulated materials Unhealthy or unsafe property - other
Waste Broken or stolen bin Missed bin service New, additional or cancel a waste service Book a bulky waste clean up Cancel my booked bulky waste clean-up Report a missed bulky waste clean-up Pay for a bulky waste clean-up Dog poo bin issue Dumped mattress Dumped rubbish Waste contractor complaint Waste education resources Report a waste issue - other