Gore Hill Indoor Sport Centre

Gore Hill Park

The Gore Hill Indoor Sports Centre (GHISC) represents the second stage of the Gore Hill park redevelopment to address the need for indoor community sport facilities.

In stage 1, the oval was re-oriented to east west to accommodate the requirements of a new indoor sports facility in stage 2. Stage 1 was finalised in March 2019 when the new synthetic oval, clubhouse and playground were opened.

Stage 2 includes the construction of an indoor sports facility, underground parking and integration with the oval.

What are the project objectives?

The project objectives of stage 2 are to deliver an indoor sports facility that:

  • Optimises sporting opportunities
  • Maximises community participation
  • Supports local precinct growth
  • Is financially sustainable
  • Makes efficient use of open space 

Why is the facility being built?

Stakeholder consultation and research found that demand has outstripped supply for indoor sports facilities for Willoughby and surrounding local government areas and that it’s expected to grow as the population expands. The consultation found that people are not participating in sports because of limited access to facilities.

The new indoor sports centre will help fill a gap in sports facilities in Willoughby and surrounding local government areas.

Current schemes being investigated

On 31 October 2022, Council resolved to investigate the feasibility of a smaller scheme from the originally endorsed option at the 8 March 2021 Council Meeting. The need for investigation has arisen due to an increase in the current funding gap owing to increases in inflation, materials, skilled labour and building margins.

Scope of current and potential smaller scheme:

  Current scheme  Smaller scheme

Key Facilities 

- 6 Indoor Courts

- Sports Hall

- Health and Fitness

- Multi-Purpose

- Cafe

- Retail Lease Space















 Building Area 16,000 10,300
 Building Footprint 7,500 6,500
 Car Parking spaces  181 100
 Estimated cost $72.5M $46.5M


Date  Update
April to June 2024 Finalising revised business case for smaller scheme on Gore Hill oval site. Considering alternative options within the precinct with relevant stakeholders. Report outcomes to Council when available.
November 2023 to March 2024 Finalising revised business case and considering alternative options with stakeholders. Reporting to Council on outcomes early 2024.
September to October 2023 

Briefing to Council complete.

Investigations on alternative options to deliver the project in the Gore Hill precinct with available capital funding are continuing.

July to August 2023  Pre-concept plans have been developed. Quantity surveyor report and business case are under review in preparation for a briefing to Council on 18 September 2023.



Gore Hill Park, 211 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards 2065  View Map

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