Naremburn local centre streetscape upgrade

An exciting new public space is being created for the Naremburn community to enjoy!

Construction is commencing in April on the Naremburn local centre streetscape upgrade. Council has engaged QMC Group to undertake this project which is jointly funded by Council and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications through its Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI).

Key features of this project will include:

  • Space for people.
  • New seating and a shade structure.
  • More landscaping and planting.
  • Changing to one way traffic through Quiamong Street with separated south bound cycle lane.
  • Additional bike racks.
  • Changing parking on the South side of Rohan Street to 45 degree parking to maintain existing levels of parking in the area.

Changes to traffic during construction

While northbound traffic flow will remain the same on Quiamong Street and the shared path, there will be some changes as follows:

  • The main entry into Quiamong Street, off Willoughby Road, will become one-way only for vehicles and cyclists travelling north
  • The shared path will become one-way only for vehicles and cyclists travelling north.
  • Separated bicycle lane heading south along lower Quiamong Street adjacent to Gorehill expressway.
  • Cyclists traveling south will need to use the designated cycleway around the upper Quiamong Street carpark.
  • Cyclists and vehicles entering the slip lane from Willoughby Road into Quiamong Street will only be able to turn right into the shared zone.

Due to be completed by mid-2024, this project will  provide easier access for pedestrians, cyclists, and bus passengers, enhance facilities for the public to improve and extend visitation time and create higher economic activity to support our local businesses.


 Date Update
June 2024

Works continue to progress at the site and the project is taking shape.

Paving of the outdoor dining concrete slab has been completed and next week paving on the adjacent area and modifications on the footway will commence.

Trees will be delivered to the site by Friday 14 July.

The shade structure is being fabricated off-site and is planned for installation by the end July.

Saturday works will continue until project completion and will include kerb and road works on Willoughby Road which will take place during daylight hours due to State Government’s Transport for NSW (TfNSW) requirements.

The Book Locker will be installed in mid-July, but will not be operational until anticipated project completion.

May 2024 

Works on the outdoor dining platform area are well underway. Steps adjacent to the footway have been poured and the retaining wall and planter boxes are currently being constructed. Backfilling of the area will commence in early June and will be followed by the pouring of kerbs and the concrete base slab in preparation for paving.

The major stormwater pit has been adjusted and tree relocation within the garden bed on Rohan Street will be carried out in the next few weeks.

April 2024 

One-way north bound traffic changes have been in place since 9 April, and the dedicated south bound cycle way and re-configured parking on Rohan Street have been completed.

Demolition and in ground services works on the outdoor dining platform area was the focus in the second half of April.

March 2024

Early works including marking of areas and services and site measuring, commencing on Monday 8 April and southbound designated cycleway starting from 9 April, followed by construction works commencing the following week on Monday 15 April. 

Traffic movement changes for Quiamong Street will come into full effect upon completion of designated cycleway works.

February to March 2024
The tender process has now been finalised, and the contractor has been appointed. Council, with the contractor, is liaising closely with the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to schedule the works required to minimise impact on them and the local community.
January 2024 Council finalising tender assessment with clarifications and reference checks. Following this Council will schedule a meeting with local Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and contractor.
December 2023 Tender submissions have been received with an assessment currently underway. It is anticipated the successful contractor will be engaged early in 2024. Once the contractor has been engaged, Council will schedule a meeting with the Naremburn Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and the contractor.
November 2023 Council has gone out to tender and the closing date for tender submissions is 13 December. It is anticipated the contractor will be engaged early in 2024. The meeting between the Naremburn Chamber of Commerce and the local businesses will also be scheduled in early 2024.
October 2023

The tender documents are being finalised with tender to go out mid-November.

Meeting to be held with the Naremburn Chamber of Commerce and the local businesses prior to commencement of work to introduce the contractor and confirm scheduling of works needed to fit in with the businesses operations.

July to September 2023  Recent work includes potholing to confirm underground services locations, seeking approvals from Sydney Water, and preparing the final design documents to allow for the tender to be issued in the coming months.
March 2023  Updated community on detailed design.
November to December 2022

Community consultation on two concept designs incorporating the views and input of the community took place in late 2022 with feedback sought until 23 December 2022.

The Community Consultation Report is now available:

Engagement outcomes report - Naremburn 2022 community consultation(PDF, 5MB) ReadSpeaker

June to July 2022
Designer engaged following preparation of design brief and assessment of all submissions.
June to October 2022 Detailed design undertaken based on community input and feedback, technical considerations and any constraints.
March 2022 Co-design workshop held at the Naremburn Library which sought the views and input of the local community to lead the design of the works. Feedback was also sought through a survey of Have Your Say which closed on 8 April 2022.


Willoughby Road, Naremburn 2065  View Map