Chatswood Oval is closed for seed establishment and will reopen Tuesday 8 April 2025.
Public and Open Forums will now occur one week prior to General Council Meetings. Registrations to speak at a Public and Open Forum must be lodged two business days prior.
The Northbridge Bike Skills track features a section of small jumps and a "pump track". The pump track consists of a small loop track with smooth dirt mounds or "rollers", formed by small earth moving equipment. It was designed by Simon French from Dirt Art and completed in 2010, following requests from a group of keen riders for the existing track to be improved. Following the initial bobcat work, forty volunteers helped shape the track, compacting the mounds. The mounds are used to generate or minimise bike speed, and riders use the momentum gained to ride the loops without pedalling.
Helmets must be worn at all times while using the track and the use of appropriate safety gear such as gloves, knee and elbow pads is strongly recommended.
Northbridge Bike Skill Track, Sailors Bay Rd, Northbridge 2063 View Map
Northbridge Bike Skill Track, Sailors Bay Rd , Northbridge 2063