Northbridge Park & Memorial Reserve

Northbridge Park

Total area: 22.98 ha (including sportsground, bushland reserve, park and playground)

Northbridge was the name given to the suburb built in 1913 on the first peninsula north of the Suspension Bridge (now Cammeray Bridge). The bridge was constructed privately in 1892 to enable landowners to subdivide and sell their land north of the bridge. After a protracted struggle with the NSW Government, Council was successful in getting land reserved for public recreation at Northbridge in 1910. The park was originally known as Long Bay Reserve, and then called Middle Harbour Park from 1910-34. The golf course was designed by the Council Engineer H. D. Robb, and opened in 1935 as a 9 hole course, with a further 9 holes constructed by 1937. Northbridge Golf Club was formed in 1935 and has managed and maintained the course under lease to Council since 1956. 

The reserve was proclaimed a War Memorial in 1951. The Northbridge sub-branch of the Returned and Services League built a hall, flagpole and memorial garden on the site in 1954. When the sub-branch ceased to operate in 2001, the hall and tennis courts became a local recreation centre, controlled and managed by Willoughby Council.

A series of dams which collect stormwater runoff, supported by bore and spring water, have recently been constructed to provide enough water to irrigate the whole golf course. A BBQ area was constructed in the park at the end of 2007.

All of Northbridge Park is located over Hawkesbury sandstone, and the bushland areas have high conservation value with some comparatively rare ridgetop vegetation. The Park also provides an important ecological link for Middle Harbour foreshores, connecting with Flat Rock Gully to the west.

The playground includes a basket swing with shade sail, dual embankment slide, climbing structure, see-saw and water pump with dry creek bed. There is a pump track located adjacent to the multi-purpose courts. The courts can be used for tennis and basketball. There is also a tennis practice wall and a bike skills track.

In May 2023, Council resurfaced the tennis and multi sport court facilities. Court 1 is linemarked for tennis and Court 2 is linemarked for tennis, pickleball and half court basketball.


Northbridge Park & Memorial Reserve, Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge 2063  View Map