The Community Recycling Centre is temporarily unable to accept paint, oils, light globes, gas cylinders, aerosols, household and embedded batteries due to a fire at the processing facility.
Area: 1,125m²
Named after Phyl and Michael Stoker, neighbours and past residents of Castlecrag, to recognise their contribution to the care and welfare of children. The design of this playspace is based on an abstract interpretation of the Castlecrag peninsula. The suburb was designed by Walter Burley Griffin, who named the streets after architectural elements in a castle. These elements were then interpreted and installed as playful features of the playground including the Tower, Barricade, Parapet, Turret, Cortile and Redoubt. The swing and slide were created using old wharf timbers. A play on words resulted in the invention of the statue of Walter the Burly Griffin. The plinth on which the statue sits, celebrates the work of the Stokers.
Stoker Playground,Edinburgh Road, Castlecrag 2068 View Map
Stoker Playground,Edinburgh Road , Castlecrag 2068
Stoker Park