Off-Leash Areas
Owning a dog is a great incentive to be active. Dogs need exercise, but you also have a duty to others not to cause a nuisance. In recognition of the benefits of dog ownership, Council has provided a number of areas in parks and reserves where dogs can be exercised without leashes.
Some of the off-leash areas have access and time restrictions so other park users can also enjoy the facilities. Click on the park names below, then "tell me more about" for details.
Some of the off-leash areas are sports grounds. Please do not unleash your dog in these areas when they are being used for sports.
Unregistered animals and dogs that have been declared dangerous are not permitted in off-leash areas.
In general, make sure your dog is under the control of a competent adult at all times. Don’t let it annoy or attack any other people or animals and keep your dog at least ten metres away from children’s play equipment, BBQs and picnic areas. Your dog must be on a leash while travelling to and from the leash free area.
Please note: Our off-leash areas are shared spaces and not separately fenced dog zones.
You must also clean up after your dog, out of consideration for other people’s health and for the sake of the environment. On the spot fines of $275 result for owners who do not clean up after their dogs.
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