Register your pet

Your dog or cat must be registered with NSW Pet Registry or your local Council by 12 weeks of age.


Step 1.Prepare your documents

Make sure you have the following documents before starting the registration process:

  • A certificate of microchipping such as a Permanent identification form (P1A) or Change of ownership form (C3A) which generally includes proof of purchase from a breeder, a pet store, a shelter or a private sale.
  • Proof of desexing from your vet or a letter from your vet stating the pet should not be desexed for medical reasons or until the recommended age.
  • Any other documents that entitle you to a discount, such as pound, shelter or assistance animals.

Step 2.Check the registration fee

Pet registration fees

Step 3.Complete registration

Go to NSW Pet Registry website and create your profile to complete your registration.

Register now

In person

Step 1.Prepare your documents

Make sure you have the following documents before starting the registration process:

  • A certificate of microchipping such as a Permanent identification form (P1A) or Change of ownership form (C3A) which generally includes proof of purchase from a breeder, a pet store, a shelter or a private sale.
  • Proof of desexing from your vet or a letter from your vet stating the pet should not be desexed for medical reasons or until the recommended age.
  • Any other documents that entitle you to a discount, such as pound, shelter or assistance animals. 

Step 2.Check the registration fee

Pet registration fees

Step 3.Visit Council

Bring the above document to Council's Customer Service Center.