Nature strip maintenance and planting

Council encourages all residents to be responsible for caring for the nature strip that fronts or adjoins onto the property in which they reside.

Council does not engage in the regular maintenance of the nature strip/road verge outside private property, this includes mowing and broadleaf weed control. 

However, Council will permit alternative planting plans for nature strips/road verges on the condition that they are first approved by Council and in accordance with the Vegetation Management Guidelines(PDF, 2MB) ReadSpeaker.

In circumstances where Council works (footpath reconstruction, kerb and guttering) have disturbed the nature strip, Council will assist property owners:

  • in restoring the Council-owned verge by preparing the site and laying turf grass suitable to the site
  • with mulch and tubestock, subject to site assessment.

Report an issue

Steps to establish a verge planting

  1. Make sure you have read and understand the Vegetation Management Guidelines(PDF, 2MB) ReadSpeaker. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your proposal please contact Council.
  2. Plan your nature-strip/verge garden. Useful things to consider include the amount of sunlight the garden will receive; the type of soil present, potential run off; what style of garden will work best; proximity to trees, other gardens and other physical constraints.
  3. Discuss your plans for a street garden with your neighbours and attempt to accommodate any concerns they may have.
  4. Once you and your neighbours are happy with your plans, fill out the checklist belowand send it in to Council.
  5. If you cannot answer YES for each, please call Council’s Landscape Officer ph: 9777 7757 to discuss.

Footpath Nature Strip/Verge Gardens Online Checklist