Our waste management practices

The production of waste is a growing problem. Despite widespread kerbside collection of recyclables, a growing population and increasing consumption lead to ever increasing waste production, and Sydney is running out of landfill space. Much of what we consider ‘waste’ is a resource that, once discarded to landfill, is lost for future use.

Willoughby City Council is working towards a waste-free future by supporting innovative waste solutions. We have signed a joint disposal contract with several other Northern Sydney councils to send our waste to Veolia Environmental Services' Woodlawn Bioreactor. This facility uses proven technologies to recover energy from waste to produce green electricity. Read more below about where our waste goes.

We are also working towards waste reduction by extending programs that divert waste from landfill and by raising awareness within the community through promotion of the waste hierarchy (avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle).

Read more about where your household waste goes: