Vegetation bin tags


A tag (sticker) has been put on my vegetation bin - what do I do?

If your vegetation bin has not been collected, it may be because there is a problem. A tag will be left on the bin to explain why. The reasons could include:

Your vegetation bin contained items that shouldn’t be there (contamination)

If you put the wrong items in your vegetation bin, it may not be emptied. If our truck collects a bin with contamination, the processor could reject the whole truck load and everyone’s vegetation could be sent to landfill.

Please remove the contamination and dispose of it responsibly. Use our A to Z of recycling guide on how to responsibly recycle, rehome or dispose of household items.

Your vegetation bin is overfull or too heavy

Bin weight limit is 80kg and bin lids need to be closed, otherwise the bin is not safe to empty. Please remove some heavy items to reduce the weight and ensure the lid closes.

If your household regularly generates more vegetation than you can fit in your bin, you can request an additional recycling bin.

Your vegetation bin was not accessible (blocked access)

Your bin's current location is not accessible for the collection truck drivers to safely access it. Please relocate your bin to an accessible location and place them 1 metre apart for collection.

Your bin is damaged

It isn’t safe to empty damaged bins. You can order a new bin online.

Unauthorised additional bins

Only bins issued by Council will be emptied, please ensure all waste is placed inside a Council bin. If your bin is missing or damaged, you can request an additional recycling bin.

Once the issue is resolved, call 9777 1000 or lodge a missed bin collection issue online to schedule a bin collection.