Council conducts a Community Wellbeing Survey every two years, measuring the wellbeing of our community and residents’ quality of life. Results from each survey are compared with previous years to identify changes, trends and emerging issues over time.
The survey is conducted by Micromex and focuses on the connections between people, access to services and overall wellbeing.
Findings from the survey are used to guide the work that Council undertakes, and shared with other agencies to improve the overall quality of life of our residents.
Some of the key findings from the 2023 survey are:
- Community wellbeing of Willoughby residents is positive with 97% rating their quality of life as good to excellent, which is on par with 2021 and 2019 results.
- Willoughby achieved an overall quality of life score of 5.12, a significantly higher score compared to a Sydney metropolitan benchmark of 4.90 (based on 60 local councils).
- Many wellbeing and connectedness indicators have ‘bounced back’ to pre-COVID levels following a decline in 2021. However, residents expressed a desire to increase connection and engagement with their local community.
Access the 2023 Community Wellbeing Survey report. 
You can also access reports from the 2019 and 2021 surveys below.