General Council meetings

Willoughby City Council’s statutory meetings are open to the public as part of Council's commitment to transparent decision making and engagement with our community.

Council Meetings are held usually on the fourth Monday of each month (except July and January) to discuss issues affecting the local community. Council may from time to time call an Extraordinary Meeting of Council to discuss urgent matters.

Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber, level 6, 31 Victor Street Chatswood commencing at 7pm. 

Members of the public who wish to attend a Council Meeting in person may do so unless the Council resolves that the meeting be closed.  Members of the public will be excluded from meetings during deliberation of confidential items during a ‘closed session’ of a meeting. 

Council meetings are conducted in accordance with the directions issued by the Office of Local Government.

The rules for conducting meetings are prescribed by:

  • the Local Government Act 1993
  • the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021
  • Willoughby City Council’s Code of Meeting Practice (January 2024)

Agendas and minutes

Matters requiring a decision are provided to Council in a report by Council officers. The report provides an executive summary, a discussion on the matter and makes a recommendation. These reports are collated into a ‘business paper’ or agenda, which is distributed to all Councillors and made available to members of the public via Council’s website.

The agenda for an upcoming Council is normally available nine business days before each meeting. Please note late reports may be added to an Agenda after publication.

The unconfirmed Minutes of the meeting along with the webcast will be available on this website as soon as practical after the Council Meeting. The Minutes of Council Meetings are confirmed at a subsequent meeting of the Council.

Instructions for accessing agenda and minutes

There are two ways to access the agenda and minutes for Council Meeting listed under Current and Upcoming Events.

To view the full agenda – click on the link to next to the relevant meeting event and select 'Download Packet' located at the top left of the page and the full Agenda will be downloaded.

Alternatively, to see a HTML version, click on the relevant meeting title and it will take you to a new browser. From this browser, locate the item you are after and then select either the report or the attachment you wish to see. Once published the minutes will also be available from this page.

Once the meeting has finished, the agenda, reports, minutes and recordings can be viewed under the ‘Most Recent Events’.

Should you wish to receive an alert when a document has been published to this page, please subscribe to this page using the link below. 

Live streaming and recording

All Council meetings, except 'closed sessions', are livestreamed and recorded. By attending or watching the recording of Council Meetings you can see the decision-making process in action and gain further understanding of the wide range of issues Councillors deal with as part of their role.

To view a meeting when it is in progress, open the meeting link showing 'LIVE' beside it to view the livestream.

To view a recording, click on the ‘camera meeting-camera.png’ in the Media column to access via the meeting link.

Webcast recordings are available on Council’s website for 12 months only.


Please note: Due to the timing of the announcement of the Local Government Election results, the Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda for the meeting to be held on Monday 28 October 2024 will not be published until Friday 18 October 2024. 

To access any business papers prior to October 2024:
(Council Meetings were in recess from August 2024 until October 2024 due to the 2024 Local Government Elections).