Amendments to Council's 2023/24 planning fees & charges

On display until 24 November 2026, 12:00 AM

A review of Council’s planning and development related fees and charges has been undertaken, and a number of changes are proposed to better reflect the cost of providing a service and to manage the impact of growth. The planning controls contained in the Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 were recently amended on 30 June 2023, creating significant new capacity for growth in the Chatswood CBD and local centres. The proposed changes will ensure Council is well placed to facilitate the implementation of the new controls.

The Proposed Fees and Charges Table 2023/24(PDF, 349KB)

FAQs and explanatory notes(PDF, 432KB)

The Proposed Fees and Charges Table 2023/24 summarises the draft changes. The proposed fee changes are on exhibition for a period of 28 days in accordance with Section 610F of the Local Government Act NSW 1993. Council will need to consider submissions arising from this exhibition before the fees can be adopted and imposed.

Have your say

The results of the exhibition will presented to Council for its consideration.

Contact Details

Strategic Planning Officer, Jane Liang on 9777 7627 or

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